Beneficiary Organization of the Municipality of Kalamata "FARIS"
co-organizer of SummerAcademy

Asinis 11 & Pharon, KALAMATA 24 132
Tel: +30 2721095611,
+30 2721095612, +30 2721095613
Fax: +30 27210
Email: faris(at),
The Beneficiary Organization of the Municipality of Kalamata
"FARIS" is the official body of the Municipality's
policy in the fields of Culture, Social Solidarity, Training
and Promotion in Employment.
It was established with no. 71713/14316/19-11-2008 decision
of the General Secretary of the Peloponnese Region (Government
Gazette B2434 / 1-12-2008) according to the provisions of Law
3463/2006 as a result of the merger of the former pure enterprises
of the Municipality of Kalamata with the following brand names:
• Municipal Enterprise of Cultural Development of Kalamata (ÄÅÐÁÊ)
• Municipal Regional Theater of Kalamata (ÄÇ.ÐÅ.ÈÅ.Ê)
• Vocational Training Center (KEK)
• Municipal Tourist Development Company of Kalamata (ÄÅÔÁK)
FARIS then absorbed the Public Enterprise of the Municipality
of Thouria with the no. 88/2011 decision of the Municipal Council
of Kalamata (Government Gazette B1059 / 30-5-2011) according
to the provisions of Law 3852/2010.
The company is contractually contracted with the Ministry of
Culture and the Municipality of Kalamata.
The purpose of the company is to organize functions and activities
as well as to provide services that are related to or related
to the responsibilities of the Municipality in the fields of
culture, social solidarity, training and promotion in employment.
Activities are supported in the following areas:
• Dance with the operation of the International Dance Center
(ÄÉÊÅ×Ï), whose top activity is the organization of the International
Dance Festival of Kalamata.
• In Artistic Education, with the operation of the Schools:
___• Municipal Conservatory
___• Dance School
___• Visual Arts Workshop
• In the Theater, with the continuation of the activity of the
Regional Center for Research and Development.
• Artistic events with the organization of great quality events.
• Artistic creation by organizing art exhibitions in the Municipal
Art Gallery and other thematic artistic events in the cultural
areas throughout the year.
• In the field of Social Solidarity, training programs are carried
out through the certified K.E.K. Promotion actions in Employment,
actions to take care of vulnerable social groups such as the
Municipal Grocery, the Municipal Hospital, the "Home Help"
program, the encouragement for inclusion of economic migrants
in the social fabric, etc.
Beloyianni Anastasia
Bouhalis Dimitrios
Basakidis Nikolaos
Liappa Chrissi
Foifa Tasia
Nifoudi Catherine
Polychronopoulos Anastasios
Antonopoulos Michail
Koutivas Miltos
Vollaris Stavros