to Summer Academy 2017 in Kalamata - Ecomedia European network
Academy 2017
in the frame of the Ecomedia European network
as regards ICT use in Education
Academy 2017 will be a teacher training course which is
going to focus on three (3) main thematic pillars: a Learning
Management System (LMS) software, a simple computer programming
language as well as Educational Robotics.
will be held in Kalamata, Peloponnese (south Greece) from
Sunday 9th July to Sunday 16th July 2017. The Elementary
Education Office of Messinia Division of the Peloponnese,
in which Kalamata is located, has undertaken the organization
of the seminar.
The modules which are going to be taught are as follows:
Creation of "digital lesson plans" with LAMS software
• Programming for Android phones or tablets with App
Inventor 2
(App. To be used in combination with recipes for traditional
foods during the seminar)
• Introduction to Educational Robotics with Lego Mindstorms
• Practical workshops
will be transfer for the delegates to and from the session
venues upon request. Moreover, a gala dinner will be organized
on the last day of this teacher training event (info. Will
be provided).
December 2016,
we are cordially inviting you to take part in the
Summer Academy 2017, a teacher training course which
will be held in Kalamata, Peloponnese Prefecture in
the south of Greece, from July 9 to 16 2017 and will
be organized by the Education Office of Peloponnese
via its Elementary Education Office of Kalamata under
the umbrella of the ecoMEDIA European ICT Network.
The training course pertains to ICT use in Education
on a European level and focuses on three (3) modules:
a Learning Management System (LMS), a simple computer
programming language (Android) and Educational Robotics.
Specifically, the modules which are going to be taught
are as follows:
Creation of "digital lesson plans" with
LAMS software (LAMS) (https://www.lamsfoundation.org/index.htm
• Programming for Android phones or tablets
with App Inventor 2 (App. To be used in combination
with recipes for traditional foods during the seminar)
• Introduction to Educational Robotics with
Lego Mindstorms Practical workshops.
The specific teacher training course will constitute
an opportunity for European teachers of various specializations
to update and further discuss their teaching practices
while at the same time they will be able to share
their experiences in innovations in New Technologies,
a significant key competence according to EU as well
as an essential 21st century skill.
This invitation letter can be attached to the application
for mobility funds to the National Agencies in key
Activity (KA) 1 of Erasmus+, the programme of EU for
Education and Training (2014 – 2020)
of Directory
of Primary Education of Messinia
Dr. Dimitrios Ekonomopoulos |